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People of the Good Shepherd,

As it has been said before, Christians tell time differently. As Anglican Christians, we have the opportunity and invitation to live our lives ordered by the church year, rather than the secular calendar. The hope is that the different cycles and seasons of the church calendar are aids in helping us live in and embody the story and life of Jesus Christ.

On December 3rd of this year, we will begin the Advent season. We will observe Advent for four weeks up until Christmas Eve. The church color for Advent is purple. Purple signifies preparation and penitence. These seasons are for putting off and focus on confession. On the church calendar, during purple seasons (also Lent) we make room in our lives and in our hearts for the presence of Christ as we anticipate celebration (The incarnation, Christmas and Resurrection, Easter).

Advent is the beginning of the new year for the church. We don’t start the year in celebration, we start with anticipation and waiting. Advent comes from the Latin Adventus which means coming or arrival. As God’s people, as I mentioned on Sunday, we live a betwixt life, we are an in-between people. Christ has come as a baby, and we yearn for his second coming in glory where we will finally be with all the saints “in the joy of his heavenly kingdom, where we shall see our Lord face to face” (BCP, 134).  

During our Advent services, we will light the Advent wreath together. Barb will have a Family Advent Prayer Liturgy for you to use as families at home, and we will provide additional resources to help you walk out the church year.

May we know Christ as our light and sure hope as we wait together in this Advent season.

Fr. Mike+